Central Pennsylvania
Round Table

Formed January 10, 2013

Our Round Table was founded in January of 2013 for two basic reasons: many of our brother and sister Vietnam or Vietnam-era veterans were passing on without their experiences being told and because we did not get the recognition and support of the general public or government who sent us.
The Round Table is all about the veteran: thanking him/her for their service and welcoming them home. Vietnam politics are never discussed. The Round Table has four ideals: welcome home, thank you for your service, Never Forgotten - POW/MIA, and some gave all/all gave some.
All Vietnam/Era veterans are welcome to come and tell of their life's experiences: before, during, and after Vietnam. If you find you can not come and talk, please write down your experiences and pass it on to your family or give your written-down experiences to us to archive. We strongly believe that everyone's experiences are important and must not be lost.
We meet at 7:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Vietnam Veterans of America Michael J. Novosel Medal of Honor Capital Chapter 542, 8000 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA.
Meetings are informal and open to the public. There are no dues, we pass the hat. Refreshments are served. Stay after the meeting and socialize.
There is a listing of our past speakers, our upcoming speakers, and our next event on the website.
The adds seen in Today in Vietnam War History are not sponsoring or recommended by the Central PA Vietnam Roundtable. They are just part of the Today in Vietnam War History web page.